Workplace Health and Safety

"Person Responsible for Safety and Health at Work"

Safety and health at work is about guaranteeing the safety and health protection of employees, through the prevention of occupational risks, the elimination of factors that constitute danger and accidents, information, consultation, balanced participation as well as training in the formation of employees and representatives of employees in accordance with the relevant legislation.


  • All employees, including managers, supervisors and staff members.
  •   Individuals responsible for “Person Responsible for Safety and Health at Work”


  • To understand the importance of Health and Safety in the workplace.
  •  To identify the essential elements of the prevention system
  • To learn Determination and identification of risk factors;
  • To develop skills to manage Incidents and disasters,
  • To learn the techniques of communication and sensitization of employees
  • To learn the practice of Risk Assessment in the company,
  • To identify technical, organizational, prevention and protection measures;
  • To develop skills to exercise the function of control and supervision

Training modules:

Legal basis: Law 10 237 dt 18/02/2010, article 5, p 15, article 7, point 2 C; point 3

Training duration 140 hours

Module 1 (Duration 70 hours)

Theoretical preparation:

  • Safety and health at work
  •  Risks at work.
  •  The legislation

 Module 2 (Duration 70 hours)

Practical preparation

  • Risk Assessment in the Workplace file with concrete examples of its maintenance.
  • Study of real cases of specific and general risks at work.

Certification Conditions:

  • Have a higher education diploma. (Individual Certification)
  •  Final test for participating candidates


  • Improving Workplace Safety: Understanding the basics of health and safety leads to a safer work environment and reduces the risk of accidents.
  • Improving emergency response: Learning emergency procedures increases the ability to handle unexpected situations and improves employee safety.
  •  Knowledge of health and safety policies and regulations ensures compliance and ethical behavior in the workplace.
  •  Positive work environment: Creating a safety culture fosters a positive work environment.
  • Implementing effective health and safety measures reduces the likelihood of injury.

For more information, contact us on Whatsapp